Golborne Medical – West Ten GPs

16 Golborne Road, Ladbroke Grove, W10 5PE


Can you help us improve online consultations?

Can you help us improve online consultations?

We want to hear from patients with one of the conditions below, and their carers, as we want to improve Online Consultations for all patients across North West London. An Online Consultation enables you to contact a GP or other health professional over the internet. It saves you waiting for an appointment or going to the GP surgery. You can tell your GP about your health using a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Conditions we are focusing on:

  • Dementia
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Dyslexia
  • MS
  • Loss of vision
  • ADHD
  • Epilepsy
  • Hand Arthritis
  • Muscular Dystrophy

Online Consultations went live across all North West London GP practices in March due to COVID-19. We are aware that a percentage of patients aren’t able to use digital services for online consultations, we want to hear about your experiences so that we can improve the current service.

Your GP practice is still here for you and you can still call your GP over the phone to seek help and advice. This won’t change and it’s recognised that patients should be able to choose how they contact their GP practice.

If you are a patient with one of these conditions, you care for someone, or you are a local group who advocates for local patients and would like to come to our patient workshop please contact [email protected] or phone 0203 350 4745. We will get back to you with more information.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.